Category Archives: IQ

Intelligence Genes Discovered by Scientists

Sarah Knapton, Telegraph, December 21, 2015 Genes which make people intelligent have been discovered and scientists believe they could be manipulated to boost brain power. Researchers have believed for some time that intellect is inherited with studies suggesting that up … Continue reading

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A night of violence that shattered a South African’s view of her white privilege

Pathological altruism. Sad. South African blacks have an average IQ of about 70 while South African whites have an average IQ of about 100. Descriptions of the I.Q. ranges Lower than 20 — Profound retardation Usually multi-handicapped with obvious physical … Continue reading

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Intelligence & The Class Room

Linda Gottfredson writes: As James A. Kulik of the University of Michigan reported in the Handbook of Gifted Education (2003), “On the basis of site visits, experts have concluded that untracking brings no guarantee of high-quality instruction for everyone but … Continue reading

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Interventions may temporarily raise kids’ IQs, but there is fadeout over time

From the University of California at Santa Barbara: The winner of a decades-old debate about what scientists call the fadeout effect — one of the most persistent research mysteries in intelligence and psychological development — may finally have been decided. … Continue reading

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Regional differences in intelligence and economic activity

Highlights: • The intelligence of the residents of the states was associated with economic indices of the states. • States whose residents had higher IQ had stronger economies and higher economic growth. • States whose residents had higher IQ had … Continue reading

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