Category Archives: Jews

Defenders of the Race: Jewish Doctors and Race Science in Fin-de-Siècle Europe

Here are some highlights from this 1994 book: * In Germany, for example, Jews went from being called and calling themselves Jews in the eighteenth century, to Israelites in the nineteenth, to German Citizens of the Mosaic Faith into the … Continue reading

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Kosher stores, synagogues, vandalized and looted in ongoing LA protests

From the Jerusalem Post: A number of kosher stores and synagogues were vandalized and looted in the uptown Los Angeles neighborhood of Fairfax, between Saturday night and Sunday morning, by people protesting police brutality following the killing last week of … Continue reading

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Resisting History: Historicism and Its Discontents in German-Jewish Thought by David Myers

I mentioned the book last night on my show but perhaps my choice of music for the segment was not the most artful. According to Princeton University Press: Nineteenth-century European thought, especially in Germany, was increasingly dominated by a new … Continue reading

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Jewish Tradition and the Challenge of Darwinism (2008)

Here are some highlights from this 2008 book: * The theory of evolution has provided a profound intellectual challenge to religion over the past century and a half. Yet most studies of the impact and significance of evolution for religion … Continue reading

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Jews, Nationalism & Hypocrisy

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