Category Archives: Jews

Why Does Nobody Care About Gentile Continuity?

High intermarriage rates with Jews threaten to extinguish’s the world’s longest ongoing culture — that of the goyim. The unique perspectives of Gentiles such as Aristotle and Acquinas may find no equal in the future if the threat of goyish … Continue reading

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Should Jews Welcome The Convert Into Their Families?

I believe that 95% of Orthodox Jews were born Orthodox (according to sociologist Steven Cohen). For all the talk about baalei teshuva (returnees), they’re a small proportion of the Orthodox. If my 95% fact is correct, should not Orthodox Jews … Continue reading

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The Jewish Walk Of Shame

I usually leave the house by 6 a.m. weekdays so I can walk to shul and learn Talmud and say the morning prayers with my community. Convinced of my own righteousness, I pay little attention to the noise I make … Continue reading

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Persian Jews Targeted

The Los Angeles Times reports: “Persian-Jewish community targeted – The Securities and Exchange Commission has accused a Los Angeles man of operating an investment scheme that defrauded investors out of more than $7.5 million. The SEC alleged in a lawsuit … Continue reading

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The Closing Of The American Mind

Chaim Amalek says: From the vantage point of the quarter century or so since he wrote it: That the era of the Jewish intellectual who concerns himself with the goyim and what they think about Heidegger has long since passed … Continue reading

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