Category Archives: Jews

Jewish Masochism

I did not knowingly meet an identifying Jew until I arrived at UCLA at age 22 but I read a lot about Jews and much of it mystified me. In particular, why were so many things identified as Jewish that … Continue reading

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Why Do Jewish Men Chase Shiksas?

Did I convert to Judaism to chase shiksas? An objective observer looking at my track record might think yes for many of my years prior to completing my Orthodox conversion in 2009. Despite living in and around Orthodox Judaism for … Continue reading

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What Is Jewish Guilt?

I grew up a Christian and I notice a ton more guilt in my Christian friends than in my Jewish friends. For my Orthodox Jewish friends, most of them believe that God is pretty happy with them. I do not … Continue reading

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Should American Jews Celebrate The Fourth Of July?

A friend asks: “May a torah jew celebrate goyishe holidays like the fourth of July?” Why do we frum yidden need goyisha holidays? To even ask the question betrays a mindset so far from Torah. It’s like asking if a … Continue reading

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New York’s Anti-Jewish Crime Wave

The New York Post reports: Hatemongers have targeted Brooklyn’s Orthodox community with a vicious assault, a string of synagogue thefts and anti-Semitic vandalism targeting synagogues and Jewish neighborhoods. In the most disturbing incident, a mob of six black teenagers shouting, … Continue reading

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