Category Archives: Jews

Jews Vs Nazis

When I think about joining a group, I look around and say, do I want to be like them? With Jews, they were high IQ, successful, educated, rich, influential, strong families, passionate, they sucked the marrow out of life, had … Continue reading

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Purim Begins Wednesday Night

Though this is a joyous time for Jews, let us pause to think of the millions of Gentiles who live in fear this week that the Jews will rise up. Later today, I’ll be releasing the Luke Ford Hate Filter … Continue reading

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Do 100 Million Gentile Victims Of Communism Deserve A Memorial?

Jewish groups can’t get enough Holocaust memorials, they can’t get enough mandatory Holocaust education, but they’re uninterested in memorials for the victims of communism. I suspect that has to do with the vital role that Jews played in the development … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Communism, Holocaust, Jews, R. Marvin Hier, Simon Wiesenthal | Comments Off on Do 100 Million Gentile Victims Of Communism Deserve A Memorial?

Does our mesorah (Jewish tradition) hold Jews responsible for getting tricked by the Cuthim or does it only berate the Cuthim (Samaritans)?

As I understand it, our mesorah only offers muted criticism of the fools who converted the Cuthim. A Beit Din who converts insincere converts should pay a price. I hope the foolish Jews who declared Jewish the Cushim from Ethiopia, … Continue reading

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Is It Good For The Persians?

Was not Haman simply advocating a policy in his country’s self-interest, just as all groups seek their self-interest? Why would a homogeneous nation with just one religion benefit from importing diversity and conflict? According to the Rambam, non-Jews cannot be … Continue reading

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