Category Archives: Jews

Jews & Drugs

A goy tells me: “My personal experiences with Jews has been largely positive except I find their community, at least the secular ones, to have a problem with drug issues. Most of my friends who are Jewish have had issues … Continue reading

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Are Whites Hopeless?

Keith emails: I am a white. Have read a little bit of white nationalism. But one thing has to be mentioned about why whites are experiencing predation against them by blacks. Its because over the centuries whites have been pruning … Continue reading

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Jews, Judaism & Racism

Jazz musician and philosopher, the ex-Israeli Gilad Atzmon says: Jewish power is the ability to silence criticism of Jewish power… There is no doubt that Judaism, the Talmud and the Torah contain some devastatingly crude and even inhumane verses and … Continue reading

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Should Neo-Nazis Be Allowed Free Speech?

Thane Rosenbaum writes: All of us know, however, and despite what we tell our children, names do, indeed, hurt. And recent studies in universities such as Purdue, UCLA, Michigan, Toronto, Arizona, Maryland, and Macquarie University in New South Wales, show, … Continue reading

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Australia Must Have Zero Tolerance for Online Hatred

Link: Freedom of speech is the bedrock of any democratic society, however, freedom of speech is not the only right that we have: People also have the right to be free from racial vilification, bullying and abuse, writes Tanya Cohen. … Continue reading

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