Category Archives: Jews

Pride Vs Denial About Heritage

Comment: I don’t think it’s healthy to reject half of your heritage. Be proud of Jewish achievement but acknowledge Jewish vices and past sins without obsessing about them too much. Just as I think for Germans there’s a golden middle … Continue reading

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Are Jews A Race?

Prior to the Holocaust, it was common for Jews to refer to themselves as a race. But with the Holocaust and the rise of Boasian anthropology, that has gone out of fashion, and educated Jews tend to take exception to … Continue reading

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The Man in the High Castle

In episode seven of this great new drama about life in America after Germany and Japan win WWII and divide up the country, an American art dealer says to an elite Japanese couple, “Better that Germany and Japan rule the … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews tackle enraged man outside Melbourne synagogue

Australian conservative columnist Andrew Bolt writes: As I have warned many times, Jews will be the losers in the re-tribalism of Australia: A man screaming “go back to Israel” and “swear to Allah” had to be forcibly pinned to the … Continue reading

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New Jewish Superhero Show Jessica Jones Contains Tons Of Interracial Sex

Abraham Riesman writes: As anyone who binge-watched Netflix’s new superhero-noir series can tell you, it’s remarkably frank about sexuality: There are a half-dozen sex scenes, and they’re as vivid as they are realistic. Jessica Jones’s creators and performers told us … Continue reading

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