Organized Jewry Vs Donald Trump

Organization Jews are just beginning to mobilize against Donald Trump. The battle hasn’t even begun. The ADL hasn’t yet fired the starting shot, they won’t until at least after the first primary.

Trump is the first populist in over a century who could become president. Jews fear populism because Jews have rarely been popular. They’ve survived by cutting deals with the elite.

* “There are a lot of folks who are, to be charitable, into white identity politics, and to be uncharitable are outright racists, who are supporting Trump,” said Nathan Wurtzel, a Republican political consultant and principal at The Catalyst Group, who is Jewish. “It’s very off-putting and disturbing.”

Comments: Oops, there’s another area where Jews aren’t prominent (because Jewish identity politics are anti-white).

Can’t have the goyim contemplating having for themselves what the Jews have for themselves in Israel.

Unspoken Jewish oligarch problem with Trump: he doesn’t need their money. Doesn’t even seem to want it. Big Problem.

* Powerful people want to be respectable.

Those who control respectability controls the elites.

Once homo stuff was made respectable, elites complied cuz status means so much to them.

There are leader-elites and follower-elites.

Leader-elites, largely Jewish, get to decide what is respectable.

* Trump is a very entertaining speaker. In Las Vegas he spoke about his self-financed campaign and the fact that he hadn’t asked any Jews for money. That was a “LOL and SMH” moment.

* The tech industry grew in California because of the political climate and largely stays there because of the political climate.

Civil digital computers were first developed in Massachusetts and New Jersey. Integrated circuits were invented in Texas. All of those states recognized non-compete agreements and various other restrictions on employees leaving, hiring their old cow-orkers, and starting up new firms.

Silicon Valley was the place you could go and start over again. And again. There were no non-competes. The CA Supreme Court declared them all illegal. If you did stay with a big company, corporate HQ on the East coast was far away and couldn’t stop you from innovating.

William Shockley, an iSteve favorite, came to SV for the freedom to work on transistors without AT&T forcing him to share credit and denying him the help he needed. The whole Intel team developed out of his efforts by freely leaving two different employers before finding space to build their own vision. The founders of Intel are known as the “traitorous eight.” Everything they did would have been illegal on the East coast because of trade secret and noncompete law.

Xerox invented laser printers and modern computer interfaces and ethernet in Palo Alto because the Xerox HQ wanted to fire the scientists that were disrupting their business from the inside. Goldman and Pake started PARC to get space to build things 3000 miles away from the suits.

Sand Hill Road was far enough from Wall Street to build its own standards for investment. If the banks knew what venture capitalists in CA were doing, it would be illegal. But in SV, you could make big bets and see a few of them pay off.

Sure, the taxes are 4% higher and lately the locals have driven up real estate prices by refusing to allow any property development, but Silicon Valley has freedom from central corporate control that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the USA. That’s why SV is the center of tech.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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