Category Archives: Addiction

Tiger Woods Car Crash (2-24-21)

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Our Problems Are Not Our Problems, They’re Just Symptoms Of Deeper Problems (2-5-21)

Richard Spencer tweets Friday: “I’m taking a substantial break from posting on Twitter, though I might check back in occasionally to see news and such. This site has taken too much of my energy for years now, and it’s time … Continue reading

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I Want My Streaming To Complement My Life

Luke talks to Babylonian Hebrew about creating live streams that work with your life rather than against it. Luke discusses this Four Corners documentary: Why professional athletes and Olympians struggle with life after sport: My Age of Treason debate, … Continue reading

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With Or Without You

External validation was my favorite drug. Until my 50s, I often put more value on what other people thought of me than on what I thought of me. As a child, I think I got most of my strokes for … Continue reading

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Lost Connections: Why You’re Depressed and How to Find Hope (12-27-20)

00:00 Overall reaction to book 02:00 Loneliness 1:24:00 Traffic 1:29:00 Nature 1:39:00 Driving for Uber 1:44:00 How do you interact with the abominables? 1:46:00 When people scorn us for our politics My guest is Richard:

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