Category Archives: Addiction

Perhaps I’ll Smile And Nod More?

Since high school, I’ve found walking down the street a frequently uncomfortable situation when I see people I know walking towards me. Where am I supposed to look? Do I look in their eyes for 150 yards? I usually look … Continue reading

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Step Three Of The Twelve Steps

I decide to turn my life and my will over to God. Step One Step Two Step Four This has been one of my blocks to taking 12-steps seriously. Turning your life over to God? That sounds Christian. Oy vey! … Continue reading

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Step Two Of The Twelve Steps

I accept that a power greater than myself can restore me to sanity. Step One Step Three Step Four When I was an atheist (from age 18-22), I had bosses in landscaping who were pentacostals. They thought I acted like … Continue reading

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Step One Of The Twelve Steps

I admitted that my life had become unmanageable. Step Two Step Three Step Four This took me many years to admit. Though I was rarely thrilled with my life, it never occurred to me to 12-step because I thought that … Continue reading

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Six Days Shomer Brit!

I realize I used to store up eroticized rage scenarios through the day to treasure during alone time. Now no treasuring. I wonder how this will change me? I went about 15 months in 1990-1991 as I got into Judaism. … Continue reading

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