Category Archives: Addiction

I Gave Up My Favorite Hobby

I would never have given up my favorite hobby if not for the challenge lain down by addiction specialist Brad Salzman. While battling my sex addiction demons, I greatly benefited from talking with therapist Brad Salzman (a mentch and an … Continue reading

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How Bad Would It Have To Get?

If you know you’re a narcissist, why wouldn’t you get psycho-therapy? I guess the pain has to become so intense that you finally seek help. Changing religions, geography, jobs won’t affect a deep-rooted problem like narcissism. While it may not … Continue reading

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I Grew Up With All The Signs Of Becoming A Serial Killer

According to Dr Phil’s signs of a future serial killer, I pretty much have them all (Kendra Jade was the first person to point this out to me, she had a great fascination with serial killers and read many books … Continue reading

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I blogged out my first three steps. One Two Three I went to meetings for a year before I bought the book and started working the 12 Steps. It was hard going at first because I’d never hit bottom. I’d … Continue reading

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God Is Doing Amazing Things In My Life!

When I quit writing on the porn industry in October of 2007, I had no debt and $6,000 in the bank. Over the next five years, I took on $44,000 in credit card debt, $25,000 from my family, and another … Continue reading

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