Category Archives: Addiction

Empathy Vs Ego

I remember training in a field where one teacher (alone among all the teachers) was not particularly interested in teaching us. He was a superstar in the field, and he would show up late 95% of the time, and when … Continue reading

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Sex Addiction Is Not Our Problem

Food addiction is not our problem. Debt addiction is not our problem. Alcohol addiction is not our problem. These are all but symptoms of our problem (a broken attachment system). Recovery from sex addiction does not equal a life without … Continue reading

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I’m working Step Four and I’m having hard time listing any resentments because all resentments I develop are gone within a couple of days at the most. So my sponsor encourages me to list every resentment I’ve had recently that … Continue reading

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Do You Like Getting Honked At?

Driving home while listening to a talk on the Fourth Step, I came to a halt at a four-way intersection. I arrived behind the car on my left, but when the car in front of me drove through the intersection … Continue reading

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The Case Against Suicide

I am in five 12-step programs and sometimes I meet people who ask me why they should not commit suicide. I usually share from my experience. From 1988 to 1993, I was bedridden about 20 hours a day on average … Continue reading

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