Category Archives: Homosexuality

‘Sex Drive’ Is Nasty

And I mean that in the nicest possible way. I love this film. I am watching it live on my cam! Rex: Ian, your 18 and you’ve never had A girlfriend. That’s how people wind up getting gay, you know? … Continue reading

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The Sapphic Secrets

I just watched the DVD Ha-Sodot aka The Secrets. It’s exquisite. The young females in it are so fine, so spiritually fine. The protagonist (played by Ania Bukstein) has a full bosom and a strict devotion to Orthodox Judaism. She … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Vs Perez Hilton On Gay Marriage

For a guy who despises TV, Dennis Prager seems to do every bit he can on it. Why not spend that time instead developing lofty ideas for such lofty platforms as books rather than sinking to the lowest common denominator … Continue reading

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Miss California Called ‘Dumb Bitch’ For Opposing Same Sex Marriage

From the Daily Mail: It was the night a beauty contestant turned ugly. When Miss California was asked her opinion on same-sex marriages by an openly gay judge she could have chosen a diplomatic reply. Instead, 21-year-old Carrie Prejean answered … Continue reading

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Helping Homosexuals Overcome Their Homo Urges

JONAH WRITES: JONAH’s success rate, for those who spend at least 2 years committed to our comprehensive program of private and group therapy, as well as mens experiential weekends, Shabbatons, etc., shows that 2/3’s of our participants either move comfortably … Continue reading

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