Category Archives: Homosexuality

Tough Times For European Jews

BERLIN (JTA) — European leaders must intervene to save small Jewish communities from an anti-Semitic onslaught, the head of the European Jewish Congress said. In a statement issued Thursday, Moshe Kantor said European Jewish communities are in “grave danger” from … Continue reading

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Carly For Senate

The New York Times headline yesterday was: “Paladino Attacks Gays In Brooklyn Speech” The NYT has since changed it to: “Paladino Laces Speech With Antigay Remarks” On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “I would be happy to address … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager On Larry King

From Prager H1: Dennis was on Larry King Live last night with Stephanie Miller, Bishop Harry Jackson, and, candidate for Attorney General, California, Kamala Harris, The subject was same sex marriage…This morning on her radio show, Stephanie Miller, accused … Continue reading

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Was Jesus A Hater?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “Were all the great moral thinkers of history haters? There isn’t a single great moral thinker in history of which I am aware who advocated same-sex marriage. There is no parallel to … Continue reading

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An Orthodox Rabbi Cheers The Overturning Of Prop 8

Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky was the only Orthodox rabbi in California, to the best of my knowledge, who went public with his opposition to Prop 8. I don’t agree with the rabbi on this but he argues his case well in … Continue reading

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