Category Archives: Homosexuality

How Come We’re Not Getting Articles About The Sexual Predations Of The Hollywood Gay Mafia?

The New York Times and the New Yorker have compelling articles about the brutal behavior of Harvey Weinstein. How come nobody publishes stories about the brutal behavior of David Geffen, Barry Diller and company? The back issues of the influential … Continue reading

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John Travolta: “Hollywood controlled by homosexual Jewish men who expect sexual favors in return for career-related ones”

Rachel Shukert writes for Tabletmag in 2012: …the press has been all abuzz over the lawsuit recently slapped on John Travolta by a masseur claiming the star attempted to coerce him into unwanted sexual acts during a session at the … Continue reading

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Judaism, Homosexuality & The Alt Right

Judaism was the first major civilization to declare that men should limit their sexuality to their opposite sex spouse. That made civilization possible as it restrained and channeled male sexual energy. Over the past few years, I’ve become interested in … Continue reading

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LGBT Americans Are Disproportionately Jewish

Forward: “While only 2% of Americans are Jewish, the study found that 6% of LGBT Americans identify as Jews. Nearly half (46%) of LGBT Americans are religiously unaffiliated, roughly twice the American average of 24%.” There seem to be a … Continue reading

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‘Here is an inspiring stock photo promoting gay hookup culture that appears on the Chase login page’


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