Category Archives: Homosexuality

Start Fighting Back!

By Robert Oscar Lopez: While the horror show involving Brendan Eich, Proposition 8, and Mozilla was reaching its ignominious crescendo, I was in Milan, Italy, speaking before an energized crowd of activists in the Lombardy region’s county hall. Unaware of … Continue reading

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Maybe the UN could vote to turn the West Bank and Gaza into a new homeland for persecuted homosexuals?

Chaim Amalek says: “This is a brilliant idea. Gaza could become the Gayza Strip, and the West Bank could be turned into the world’s largest gay nightclub. Then Hollywood and our culture elites would have to support it. I’d say … Continue reading

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The Gay Zion

“Pink is the new Black. And to the extent that gay is the new Jewish, then why no movement to provide homosexuals with a national homeland of their own, a kind of gay Zion to which every Homosexual has the … Continue reading

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Straight Flight

Steve Sailer writes: “In the distant past, a man who dressed stylishly and enjoyed art, theater, and sophisticated music would have been praised as a “gentleman,” but today his sexual orientation is automatically called into question. The average person’s “gaydar” … Continue reading

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The Case For A Large Family

On his radio show Jan. 7, 2014, Dennis said: “There has been an assault on the big family. Five or more children is a big family.” “I want to make a case solely on what I have observed for having … Continue reading

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