Category Archives: Homosexuality

Sally Kohn: This is what white people can do to support #BlackLivesMatter

Sally Kohn tweets this morning: “How’s about instead of blaming protest movements for violence against police, we blame policing for violence that necessitated protests?!?” Washington Post today: Sally Kohn is an essayist and a CNN political commentator. Educate yourselves, put … Continue reading

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John Rivers: ‘The main thing that #BlackLivesMatter taught me is that Black Dudes are a lot gayer than I realized.’

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After Gay Marriage and Now Transgender Marines, What’s Next?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * One of the two transgender Democrats named Misty to win primaries: “Plowright beat single dad and Iraq vet Donald Martinez for her shot at Lamborn. Plowright is an Army vet with a wife, Lisa, and … Continue reading

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The Lavender Menace

Comment: The presumed successor to Jeremy Corbyn (UK Labour leader) is Angela Eagle, another pro-immigration Anglela. She is an out lesbian. Leaders of both Scottish Labour and Scottish Conservatives are also lesbians. Has there ever been a situation where most … Continue reading

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LAT: YouTube star charged with filing false police report after saying he was beaten near WeHo gay club

Love is love. LA TIMES: An openly gay YouTube star who said that he was brutally assaulted by three men in West Hollywood was charged Wednesday with filing a false police report. Last night was the worst night of my … Continue reading

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