Category Archives: California

LAT: Her pink Taser, poisoned hamburger patties and an iPhone: the story of a wife who lured an Orange County fugitive out of Iran

How is this woman allowed to practice law in California? Los Angeles Times: When three men escaped from the Orange County jail, officials quickly decided only one of the escapees possessed the cunning and resourcefulness to mastermind it: Hossein Nayeri, … Continue reading

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First They Came For The Almond Growers…

I need a catchy put-down like “anti-Semitism” for when California parcels out water in a way I don’t like. If California sides with cities over almond farmers, for example, what horrible bigotry has it committed? First they came for the … Continue reading

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The Blessings Of Chinese Birth Tourism

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The brightest kids in California high schools are assured admission to the best schools in California’s public university system. That’s why: UC Berkley is 40% Asian (32% white) UC Davis is 39% Asian (29% white) … Continue reading

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California’s Bleak Trajectory

From American Thinker: Victor Davis Hanson, whose family has lived in California for generations, has written a new book. Jarrett Stepman of Breitbart reviewed The Decline and Fall of California: From Decadence to Destruction, where Hanson paints a stark picture … Continue reading

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Rash Of Suicides At Palo Alto High School

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The cruelty of life in the meritocratic upper class. The tragedy of the meritocracy is that the children of smart parents are inevitably likely to be dumber than their parents. If meritocratic upper class culture … Continue reading

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