Category Archives: Politics

Study: Libs Really Do Suffer From A Case Of “My Feels”

From the Chateau: The stereotype of liberals as emotionally underdeveloped children who feel first and think later now has support from the very entity liberals have raised to divine status: SCIENCE! Liberals and conservatives exhibit different cognitive styles and converging … Continue reading

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Race Takes Center Stage In American Politics

Eduardo Porter writes for the New York Times: Race, of course, has shaped political choices for a long time. The Republican takeover of the South is understood by scholars as a reaction to whites’ sense of betrayal after the Democratic … Continue reading

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Remembering Edwin Edwards

Just Not Said: In 1992, Edwards ran against white power advocate and former KKK member David Duke. Edwards, referring to his own reputation as a ladies’ man, said of Duke that “the only thing we have in common is that … Continue reading

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Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” is sociopathy in political form

Just Not Said: Community organizer Saul Alinsky published Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals in 1971. We’ve all heard his name, and we’ve all heard that Barack Obama is an Alinsky-ite, so it’s instructive to take a look … Continue reading

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The Tragedy Of Great Power Politics (2001)

I’m reading John J. Mearsheimer’s 2001 classic: * Great powers that have no reason to fight each other—that are merely concerned with their own survival—nevertheless have little choice but to pursue power and to seek to dominate the other states … Continue reading

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