Poland Previews America?

Steve Sailer writes:

Following the Paris atrocities, the new populist conservative government announced it wouldn’t be admitting any Muslim refugees.

In the foreign press, the recent ascendance of majoritarian conservatives over corporate conservatives is being heralded as the End of Democracy. In part this is because “democracy” has slowly, surreptitiously come to be redefined as the opposite of majority rule.

After all, the globalist thinking goes: When you think about it, isn’t the very idea of Polish voters daring to stand up to the German chancellor and deciding as a free people to not import anti-Semites downright Hitlerish?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* It is unfortunate that the anti-immigration right in the UK focuses almost all their ire on the Poles because they’re white and therefore semi-PC to criticize.

I spent a year in London and met quite a few Poles, and as far as I could tell they were a model minority even by the standards of model minorities.

Hard-working, extremely polite and friendly, spoke better English than many of the natives, interested in British culture and not complainers, the young ones dressed in a classy way and didn’t abuse alcohol and drugs like young English Londoners do, and unlike Mexicans they genuinely are “natural conservatives.”*

I would hazard a guess that to the extent any social problems (besides the employment effects of skilled and semi-skilled immigration) are caused by “Poles,” it’s Poles of the Roma variety.

* Steve,

First of all, kudos for a great article. It must have taken a lot of effort to research this article, due to the serious lack of information about Poland in the popular press. I tip my hat to you.

I just moved back to Japan this month after a 20 year absence, so your point about ethnic solidarity being a strength rather than a weakness reinforced what I’ve rediscovered here. Japan is safe, clean, and well organized with a prosperous economy and non corrupt and efficient government structure. I see two possible reasons for this.

1. These traits are a phenotypic expression of the genetics of the indigenous population of the Japanese archipelago.

2. Japan’s homogeneous population means that the few non Japanese here either adapt Japanese mores and customs or find it so hard to live here they leave. There certainly are foreigners here. But those who stay quickly learn Japanese and Japanese customs. The Japanese quickly embrace those who do. Last Sunday I scored tickets to the sumo tournament going on in Tokyo now. There was a Brazilian woman cheering at the top of her lungs for the wrestlers she liked (including a couple of Brazilians). The crowd loved it. The key point though was that she was cheering in fluent Japanese.

Regardless of which of the two theories above is correct, the point is that diversity is NOT an advantage for nations. It is a source of conflict, mistrust and inequality. Poland and Japan seem to have figured that out. I hope for the sake of your many readers living in the U.S. that Americans come to realize that soon…

* Very cowardly of UKIP to disavow any special British relationship to the Poles. It’s not like they’ve forgotten that big war they fought together and all the Polish pilots who flew in the Battle of Britain. And the Anglo-American betrayal of Poland to the Soviets.

* I, too, have always found the Poles to be pleasant and hard-working. And you’re spot on when you say that UKIP and the like are too cowardly to tackle the elephant in the room: 3rd world immigration.

However, given the position of the Overton window, I’d say that UKIP and the anti-immigration right in Britain have—by focusing on Polish and eastern European immigration—at least changed the nature of the debate somewhat.

For example, some on the right have pointed out how bad mass immigration from eastern European areas has been for the working class, who were long ago abandoned by the Left/Labour party. And although I accept some of the Theodore Dalrymple-esque descriptions of British working class (not to mention underclass) dysfunction, it has never been a level plaing field for those Brits most affected by mass immigration.

For example, if it had been possible for Brits to get a job in Europe, save up five thousand pounds and then head back home to buy a decent house for said 5k, which is what many Poles could do, I think that fewer people here in Britain would trot out the old “the immigrants are just doing the jobs the native Brits won’t do” line all the time.

* Back when I lived in Hackney, London I remember three things about Polish immigrants:

1) They worked jolly hard.

2) They stayed out all night drinking beer (when do they sleep?), so much so that there were signs in Polish telling people to throw their cans in the bin. One night I found a massive Polish man who had had his foot run over or something, I couldn’t communicate with him (he was drunk, obviously) so I went into the nearby pub and asked if anyone spoke Polish. More or less everyone put their hand up.

3) They looted the welfare system for all it’s worth. Example: get your cousin to come over on holiday. Under EU rules he is essentially equal to a native Briton, so he applies for housing benefit and rents a flat. (Before you can do this you need to have worked at least one day, so they root around peoples’ bins collecting scrap metal for some phoney business set up for this purpose). Then he goes home and you sub let it.

Whether (1) is worth (2) depends on your scale of preferences, but the bottom line is that model minority or not, Poles have no loyalty to the U.K. (why should they?) and admitting them requires, at the least, radically re-arranging your welfare arrangements. But, of course, if Britain was to do that it could just send its 3,000,000 or so indigenous benefits cases to work instead.

* Culture is a genetic construct. The left has it exactly backwards with their silly beliefs like gender is a cultural construct. If you can keep the malcontents from undermining things you create a positive loop with each of your points supporting the other.

As for whether diversity improves your lot or not, it depends. If you are an African and can move to a country with a large white population you will be better off. If you are a white in that country you will be worse off. Even most non-whites acknowledge this. They will agree that diversity creates conflict but they still want to move to white countries for the benefit of being around white people.

* Poland is now doing better than Western Europe and the U.S. [on PISA scores] and it’s now reaching East Asian levels of achievement, which is remarkable considering that it is significantly less wealthy the industrialised countries in East Asia and spends far less on per capita than those countries.

If there is anything world history has taught us then it is that quality is much more important than quantity. Poland may not grow its population the same way as Germany or Sweden will with all these 3rd worlders, but its kids are going to be far more impactful over the future of Europe.

* There’s a devilish long con in progress in the West by which a straw version of Western values are being used as a Judas goat to lead us into authoritarian globalism. Augustus himself would approve of the way in which we’ve been lulled into accepting soft despotism in the name of “who we are.”

As both the Greeks and republican Romans once proved, the acid-test of a just society is whether or not its leaders stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the rank-and-file citizens in braving the consequences of their own leadership.

Frau Merkel and her fellow EUliminati can hunker and bunker themselves away while Johann and Joachim Six Pack man the multicultist front lines of Cologne and Malmo against the Otherist deluge.

Westerners need to take a hard look at what “we” means to our leaders and ask themselves whether the social contract is still a fair bargain for net benefit.

* GOP consultant Rick Wilson: Trump supporters are “Childless, single men who masturbate to anime”.

* I’m from Detroit and of course before the 1967 riots we had the largest population of Poles in the world outside Poland. Hamtramck was nearly 100% Polish and comprised of Big Three auto workers, government workers (firemen particularly along with cops and maintenance), and other blue collar trades. There was virtually no crime and houses were all tidy. Hamtramck lasted longer than many other Detoilet burbs, but now seems to have fallen to the Muslims who have occupied Dearborn for decades. The Poles have moved north into Macomb County to flee the Africans savaging the remnants of Detroit. In any case, “model minority” is very apt. Today, the only populations willing to battle for turf with the Africans are Mexicans (SE Detroit) and the aforementioned Arabs (Chaldeans and Muslims) to the West (Dearborn) and North (Hamtramck) of the city. Both have very high ethnic consciousness and willingness to retaliate en masse. The Arabs own 100% of the gas stations and bodegas in the city (the Greeks have largely fled except for a tiny area known as Greektown).

* OK, so who’s gonna comment, “See! I told you! That’s why Poland is dying! It’s a country of white-knighting, ho-saving beta males!”

That train’s never late.

* I have been wondering about the constitutional limits of free speech and freedom of religion as they apply to Islam. At what point can mass Muslim immigration and the propagation of Islamic orthodoxy in American mosques, madrasas, etc., be considered to represent “a clear and present danger” to the maintenance of our liberal institutions, values, etc?

* 2 BBC Radio 4 programmes on Trump

Jonathan Freedland on The Long View, comparing Trump with WR Hearst


And next week we have Michael Goldfarb on “Trump and the Politics of Paranoia” – from the trailer I don’t think he’s a fan.


I must say I do think the BBC could have found one Gentile to put the boot in.

* Ethnic/racial solidarity is a function of the feminization of society, itself a function of the strength and length of the female-oriented mass consumer marketing decisively moving society to the feminine side.

Its easy to see why most European nations favor mass Third World immigration and the darker and more aggressive and lower IQ the better. What better and easier way to Eat-Pray-Love all the time? After all, when women go looking for sex they don’t go looking at chess clubs, or debate societies, or Linux User Group meetings. But generally where the most aggressive, lower IQ men can be found.

Again as Steve has noted, time and again, ON AVERAGE, the darker skinned the better as far as women are concerned.

Japan has a very limited consumer market, with limits on advertising and size, mostly to retain ethnic/racial cohesion and produce employment at the cost of efficiency. Not too many Wal-Marts there. Same with Poland — its consumer market like all former Communist countries is young and has not had decades of advertising and female oriented media pushing women’s influence to the top. Men still matter there.

As Heartiste/Roissy noted today, the more feminized a nation becomes, the more Charlize Theron prone it is — adopting African babies instead of having their own.

UKIP won’t attack non White immavaders and welfare spongers because they are sacred objects to the UK’s women. Think of them as the Justin Biebers of the Western world.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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