Category Archives: Politics

MSM Outlet Drops Pretense Of Neutrality

Mickey Kaus writes: Slate‘s quadrennial exercise proving that just because you’re open about it doesn’t mean it’s not embarrassing is up.  Slate is voting 55-1 for Obama over McCain, with one additional vote for Bob Barr. With those numbers, it’s getting hard … Continue reading

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Right-wing tubbies stump for Minnesota Republicans

Report: Clockwise from upper left: Prager, Hewitt, Medved, Paulsen, Bachmann, Coleman The so-called “Three Tenors” of talk radio — conservatives Michael Medved, Hugh Hewitt and Dennis Prager — spoke before a crowd of 3,000… Prager, mentioning “Minnesota Nice,” hailed Coleman … Continue reading

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Why Doesn’t McCain Spokeswoman Nicole Wallace Take The Hit For Buying Those Expensive Clothes For Sarah Palin?

On Fox News this afternoon, Fred Barnes says only about $50,000, not $150,000, was spent by the Republican party on clothes for Sarah Palin. He says it was staffer Nicole Wallace who went out and bought those clothes without consulting … Continue reading

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FRAUD! John McCain Volunteer Did It To Herself

It turns out she did it to herself! I’m such an idiot! I never even suspected. Jim emails: Way to follow up on the John McCain story. Let’s see…bury it down at the bottom of the page, just put a … Continue reading

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Joe Biden’s Uncovered Gaffes

Kirsten Powers is Mickey Kaus’s new blonde shikse of choice. He compares her to Charles Krauthammer. And she’s a liberal Democrat. I love looking at her on Fox News. She writes in the New York Post: Barack Obama‘s choice of … Continue reading

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