Category Archives: Politics

Why The Hubbub Bub?

I listened to Barack Obama’s inaugural address. It’s rare that I get much out of a politician’s speech but this speech was noteworthy for its utter lack of original insight. The speech contributed nothing to America and nothing to my … Continue reading

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Economist Tom Sowell On Dennis Prager’s Radio Show

Dennis: "I am about to speak about one of the clearest thinkers living. One of the top five…" "Allen Estrin, my producer, said America would be different if every college kid read this book. "The first edition of Applied Economics, … Continue reading

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Twice As Many Republicans As Democrats Support Israel’s Attacks In Gaza

Orthodox Jews vote Republican and non-Orthodox Jews vote three-to-one Democrat. Liberal pundit Glenn Greenwald writes: A new Rasmussen Reports poll — the first to survey American public opinion specifically regarding the Israeli attack on Gaza — strongly bolsters the severe … Continue reading

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President Bush & The Jews

Jay D. Homnick writes: In this spirit, it is appropriate for us to take a moment to publicize the outstanding respect shown by the President and Laura Bush to traditional Jews and their practices throughout his administration. One historic example … Continue reading

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I Wonder What Obama Knew And When He Knew It

Joe emails: If Rahm Emanuel was selected by Obama for his fierce loyalty to the cause, and Rahm spoke to Blagojevich about the Senate seat, doesn’t it follow that Obama authorized or knew of Rahm’s contact? Do you get it, … Continue reading

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