Category Archives: Politics

Why Was Joe Biden Included At Yesterday’s Beer Summit?

Conservatives do not have a clue. You have to be a liberal to understand this. If Joe Biden had not come along, it would’ve been two blacks (Obama and Gates) and a white (Crowley). The President wanted the colors equal … Continue reading

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Racism In Orthodox Judaism

Aliza Hausman, a Dominican convert to Orthodox Judaism, writes for the Jewish Journal: My husband and I started speaking out about racism in the Jewish community when a friend asked us to speak at a synagogue in Washington Heights, in … Continue reading

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Harvard Prof Skip Gates Upset Policeman Did Not Recognize Him

Dennis Prager said on his radio show today (first hour): The President made things worse by commenting on it. He should’ve said, I don’t have all the facts, and end it there. Nobody would criticize you. I strongly doubt the … Continue reading

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‘Drilling On Mother Earth Is Like Stabbing Your Mother’

Dennis Prager on his radio show Monday: "That’s how the Left feels about it and the Left is ruled by their feelings." Prager was in Dallas Sunday night to give a talk to Jews and Christians who’ve raised money for … Continue reading

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Killing George Bush

"What did you think of the shooting at the Holocaust museum?" my friend asked. "I thought it was tacky and insensitive," I said. "This was hardly the type of behavior appropriate to a Holocaust museum. "Wouldn’t it be awful if … Continue reading

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