Category Archives: Politics

Let’s Debate Fundamental Principles

Thomas Frank, who’s left of center, writes for the Wall Street Journal: What’s dragging the Democrats down in the health-care debate isn’t confusion about details. On this the president and his supporters have proven themselves the ablest of technocrats, easily … Continue reading

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What Is Political Correctness?

Dennis Prager said on his show in February: Political correctness is entirely a matter of truths that can’t be said because they’re painful. Political correctness is the inability to state certain truths because they may offend or cause pain to … Continue reading

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Robert Novak’s Jewish Roots

Nachum Lamm posts: Wikipedia (I know, I know) tells us: "Novak’s parents had a Jewish background, but they avoided interaction with their local Jewish community and rarely attended religious services. Neighbors falsely considered Novak’s family to be Polish." And this … Continue reading

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U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy Is Dead

He was a relentless force for the Left. To the end, he was looking out for their interests. See ya Ted.

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In Praise Of George Will

Jason Maoz writes in The Jewish Press: If George F. Will comes across to some as a starchy combination of ministerial and professorial, he can blame it on his genes: The longtime columnist is, after all, the grandson of a … Continue reading

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