Category Archives: Politics

When You Watched News Coverage Of Hurricane Irene, You Realized How Secondary FEMA Is

Bill Kristol made this point on Fox News this afternoon. State and local government have the primary response to disasters. I suppose FEMA was particularly needed in New Orleans because so many people there were sucking on the welfare teat … Continue reading

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Will Rick Perry Beat Obama?

Joe* emails: Rick Perry is the nominee for a few simple reasons: 1. Money. He can raise it. The rest, excluding perhaps Romney, Bachmann and Palin, have no money. 2. Coalition. He is the only candidate who can attract votes … Continue reading

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Michelle Bachmann Gets Better Each Day

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “Michelle Bachmann is better and better each day, which is a big deal. It means a lot of things, including intelligence. It’s hard for a mediocre mind to adapt. It takes a … Continue reading

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The Day I Met Michelle Bachmann

Last summer, I went to a rally for Israel outside the Jewish Federation on Wilshire Blvd. Off to the side, I saw television cameras and Michelle Bachmann coming through. She was shaking hands and introducing herself to people before joining … Continue reading

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Rick Perry’s Day Of Prayer

Chaim Amalek emails: Mocking people for praying to God comes too easily for our cultural elites. Would they have dared mock Martin L. King for his public prayers to Jesus, or more recently, any of Obama’s pastors or an Imam? … Continue reading

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