Category Archives: Politics

The Vote For Herman Cain Was A Protest Vote

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager talked about Herman Cain winning the Florida straw poll for Republican nominees for president. Dennis: “It’s a protest vote. We don’t like any of the nominees so we’ll vote for a guy we … Continue reading

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Breaking Down The GOP Field

Joe emails: This is how it breaks down. The GOP right now is a pissed off party that somehow it let Obama become President. There is no establishment to cool it off. Of the field, the following can get the … Continue reading

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Wanting To Like Rick Perry, Mitt Romney

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “A Republican has to run philosophically. American values do not countenance big government because the bigger the government, the smaller the citizen. “That is my worry about Mitt Romney. We need to … Continue reading

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Does Mitt Romney Believe In Anything Aside From Himself?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “We [Republicans] have to win with somebody with the convictions of a conservative. We can no longer afford Republicans who are only a little different from Democrats. If they believe in spending, … Continue reading

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Democrats Race-Bait

Dennis Prager writes: Imagine a Jewish Congress member accusing the members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) of wanting to see Jews gassed. How would any decent American — on the right or left — describe such a statement? Loathsome? … Continue reading

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