Category Archives: Politics

Republicans Have A Winner With The Occupy Wall Street Movement

Democratic leaders such as President Obama express sympathy for the aims of the Occupy movement. Republicans castigate it. What are the aims of the Occupy movement? Forgiveness from all debt and other utopian ideas. It’s nonsense. It would upend the … Continue reading

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What Is Food Insecurity?

On his show last week, Dennis Prager said (about the introduction of a new poverty-stricken muppet – whose family deals with food insecurity – to Sesame Street): “This is a new thing in America. Because there isn’t hunger, there is … Continue reading

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Cain The Beloved

Joe emails: More on the rise of Cain here: The money shot is this tidbit: “The thing fueling Cain’s lead in all of these states is strong support from the furthest right segment of the Republican electorate. Cain is at … Continue reading

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Herman Cain Is For Real

Joe emails: To understand why Herman Cain is “for real” you have to watch this video. It is the political equivalent of Jacob going ultimate fighting with the angel on the banks of the Jordan and essentially prevailing. As the … Continue reading

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Could Chris Christie Win The Republican Nomination?

Like most Republicans, I am not thrilled with our choices for president. Rick Perry is the most right-wing but he’s a lousy debater. I hope Chris Christie gets in, even though many of his positions are not conservative, as the … Continue reading

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