Category Archives: Politics

Where Did The Voters Go?

Joe emails: The total popular vote in 2012 for President was Obama 61,000,000 Romney 57,500,000 Total 118.5 million 2008 was: Obama – 66,862,039 Mccain – 58,319,442 Total 125.1 million 2004 was: Bush 62,028,285 Kerry 59,028,109 Total 121 million Obama lost … Continue reading

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For The Re-Election Of The President, You Can Thank The People Who Came Here Illegally

Over the past 30 years, the US allowed millions of people who came here illegally to become citizens (President Reagan signed this amnesty in 1986). They’re now voting for more de facto amnesty for people who came here illegally and … Continue reading

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Election Recommendations

Benny, an Orthodox Jewish lawyer, emails: County Election – District Attorney Alan Jackson. He is the best qualified candidate and an individual who will ensure the highest standards are met. State-wide Propositions 34 = NO 35 = YES 36 = … Continue reading

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Romney Gets Booed At NAACP

Joe emails: I remember being horrified in shul when the prayer for the US government was being said, and someone uttered “not that Obama” – meaning that we should not pray for his well-being. I would be similarly horrified if … Continue reading

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Prager University: Jonah Goldberg on Ideology

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