Category Archives: Politics

Let’s Meet Jeb!

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Jeb is running for The Ultimate Alpha Male Job On Planet Earth. The man with his finger on The Button. The man who stares down Putin. The man who can single-handedly incinerate the world. Yet … Continue reading

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How Do You Talk To Leftists?

From Chateau Heartiste: Dirty Randy wonders how to evade a typical substance-free leftoid attack. You can see the Hivemind formulating their comeback: “They must be Stormfronters.” What’s the proper way to respond? Ignore and plow? Agree and amplify? A number … Continue reading

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Sailer: If Liberals Undermine Community and Conservatives Undermine Government, Who Wins?

Georgetown history professor Carroll Quigley (1910-1977): “Conservatives now are telling us that we must curtail government, cut government spending, cut government powers, reduce government personnel for the sake of making individuals more free. “Liberals, on the other hand, are still … Continue reading

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Democratic Coalition Crack-Up

Comments to Steve Sailer: * South Asians think about politics the way Jews do because they are as clannish as Jews are. East Asians are less clannish than that. They would be more likely to enter into a coalition with … Continue reading

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My Place On The Political Spectrum

LINK: “You are a right moderate social authoritarian. Right: 4.7, Authoritarian: 2.94” Foreign Policy: On the left side are pacifists and anti-war activists. On the right side are those who want a strong military that intervenes around the world. You … Continue reading

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