Let’s Meet Jeb!

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Jeb is running for The Ultimate Alpha Male Job On Planet Earth. The man with his finger on The Button. The man who stares down Putin. The man who can single-handedly incinerate the world.

Yet the most important personal fact he wants us to know — his presidential “elevator speech” — is that deep down inside he is really a lovesick puppy-dog white college boy still swooning over a Mexican peasant girl.

“Vote for me because I am the single most pathetic p’whipped beta male in politics.”

The women in my office laughed out loud.

* The main thing I noticed in this WP screed is the subtle implication throughout that only the uneducated fail to appreciate the moral goodness and economic neccessity of massive uncontrolled immigration, diversity and globalization. The undoubted ultimate impact will be to convince WP readers to double down on their support for these things; otherwise they will be perceived as uneducated yokels.

It will never cross the minds of most readers of this column, most particularly if they are “educated”, that most of the “educated” in this country are in fact nothing more than the uninformed, brain dead, beneficiaries of a longer and more concentrated form of elite propaganda than that which the majority of Americans are forced to endure. It would be an interesting experiment to poll a group of people on their knowledge of immigration and their attitude towards Trump. I suspect there would be a strong positive correlation.

* It’s the immigration stupid, but Trump forced this issue into the national discussion unlike previous immigration hawk candidates like Tancredo. Immigration enforcement is a political winner, given the fact the media will talk about it and is in the mind of the public during election season. Trump made that happen.

* This is why Trump can get away with things that ordinary politicians can’t. Because populism and nationalism, even soft varieties thereof, buys you a lot of political capital.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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