Who Won The Debate?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* I wish the questions were not so ‘inside the Beltway’ stuff but what are you going to get from media personalities who live ‘inside the Beltway’. Does anyone really think Americans are really worked up about Obama’s Iran deal? The real issue is the growing chaos in the region and that is what Obama/Rodham and Kerry have created. 4 years of civil war in Syria and we can’t impose a settlement even after thousands of sorties by our Air Force and Navy?

Trump got one thing right. Nothing we’re doing is working and nothing any of these guys are suggesting is going to change that save building a Wall on the border ( which won’t happen) or using our military to win a war which won’t happen either because, contrary to Ben Carson’s remarks, wars are politically correct affairs these days. Cluster bombs, mines and napalm are no no’s even if that is how you destroy enemy forces.

* Jebbie looked like a script kiddie.

Trump was on the defensive. It was obvious the Fox weenies were trying to kneecap him.

Carson, nice guy, would make a good dept head.

Crispy Creme – bleah.

Rand – he’s desperate.

Huckster – I don’t trust that guy for nothing. When he had his show he played the bland, feel good moderate. That’s always a con.

Beyond that the questions generally sucked, especially the gotcha questions from Kelly and Wally – it made them like nasty. Wally boy I expected as much since he’s part of the establishment and make a name for himself ambushing people. Kelly I thought would play it fair. She can’t, she seems to hate alpha males big time.

Then she has on Wasserman Schultz after the debate – of all people. Oh yeah she’s always bringing on that illegal alien. Why not give Joe Arpio equal air time. Oh that’s right your boss is a open border supporter.

The one minute format was a joke. You cannot give a intelligent answer in that time frame. This was gotch TV at it’s finest. Increase it to 5 minutes per candidate and put the videos on Youtube. Screw cable TV. TV is dead as a medium.

Look there are some important questions that need to asked in regards to our economy and they weren’t touched. Of course I don’t expect to be asked by anyone in power.


“Do you support or oppose TPP and why?”.

“Do you support renegotiating NAFTA and PNRT with China?”

“Do you support a decrease in the number of H1-B visa workers?’

National Security:

“What do you intend to do stop China and Russia from doing cyber attacks on our infrastructure and government?”

“Do you support stringent enforcement of current immigration laws on the books and the expulsion of immigrants tied to terrorist groups?”

“Do you support stripping the citizenship and expelling anyone who is caught supporting ISIS in the ME?”

“Do you consider the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. And if not why not?”

Most half-way informed people can easily generate their own.

* Murdoch’s Minions were out get Trump in a bad way. Frank Lutz and Charles Krauthammer were both pursuing the Anti-Trump agenda hard is post debate analysis. Lutz found a bunch of tone deaf GOPers who were angry that Trump wouldn’t unconditionally support the nominee sight unseen if it wasn’t him, they apparently all read that as him saying he would definitely run as a third party candidate ensuring a Democratic win. He said nothing of the sort, he said it would depend on who the nominee was if it wasn’t him, that’s it, but 80 percent of the “focus group” heard Trump promise to run as a third party candidate. The fact that both the MSM and Fox News both hate Trump makes me like him even more. Was surprised that Bush didn’t insert foot into mouth, and Carson looked awful until his final two statements, which apparently made Lutz’s focus group completely forget how inept Carson looked for the rest of the debate, they all raved about his closing statement.

* There is actually a significant divide on immigration within the Libertarian Movement. Rand’s father, and much of the Austrian Wing of the Libertarian movement, are border hawks while the Reason/Cato crowd tend to be Open Border types. Rand tends to come off more like the latter, but in terms of his actual record he introduced a resolution in the Senate calling for an end to Birthright Citizenship and he was against the Gang of Eight Bill. He votes in a way that will please Conservatives but talks in a way that pisses them off. What he hopes to accomplish from this strategy I still haven’t figured out, but he seems committed to it.

* That first hand-raising question about agreeing not to run as an Independent seemed deliberately designed to hurt Trump. Even if Fox wanted to ask that question, it didn’t have to be the first one. The first question posed directly at Trump also seemed designed to put him on the defensive.

Also, it seemed like the moderators were asking questions of the candidates designed to make them all attack and weaken each other, just as the Republican candidates did to one another in the million debates prior to finally selecting Romney as the Republican nominee.

* I just want less third world immigration. A lot less. Both legal and illegal. Most people agree with me, but finding a plausible candidate for high office who genuinely wants that is more or less impossible.

* I liked that Trump said this country is in big trouble. When I hear someone like Rubio talk about how he firmly believes America’s best days lie ahead of it, it really puts me off. That’s not true and any intelligent person knows it. We passed peak prosperity in the 1960s and we’re sliding toward Third World status. I don’t see how it can be stopped.

I liked that Trump didn’t buckle when Megyn Kelly went after him with her feminist line of attack.

I liked how Trump handled the question of why he gave money to Democrats–that politicians are for sale and you have to pay them off if you’re going to need their help. And that’s why the system is rotten.

When Trump said that our leaders are stupid and that’s why we have all these illegals here, Cruz said it’s not because our leaders are stupid, it’s because they WANT the illegals here.

I liked that Cruz said that allowing in millions of illegal aliens was one of the ways Obama is fulfilling his pledge to fundamentally transform America.

* Considering that internal medicine together with family medicine are the two specialties medical students settle for by default if their board scores are too poor to land anything else, internists should be ones to talk. If you want to know who is smartest, follow the money. Dermatology and Orthopedic Surgery are the hardest residencies to land and have the highest board scores. Incidentally, orthopedic surgery is the one specialty where you will disproportionately encounter tall, fit white guys and few Asian dweebs or women relative to other medical fields. The ubermenschen of medicine.

Neurosurgery is the highest paid medical field but the brutal 7 year residency and rather poor patient outcomes deter a lot of people. Most people would choose to do a 5 year ortho residency, operate on relatively healthy people who need cool elective procedures with good outcomes, and make almost the same money.

* Frankly, the only reason I watched the debate was to watch Trump do his thing. He never disappoints.

* I don’t think trump should have debated.

I watched a piece of video of the Megyn Kelly series of questions. She set out to go after him. She has always been the bitch hall monitor on Fox News making sure the men were properly scolded if they went off the reservation and didn’t toe the line of the feminine imperative. A good chunk of its viewers, 47% are women (of all viewers) and 78% of all viewers are over 35. Those women are a lot more feminist then they let on. Megyn is their bulldog. And she played her part tonight

Here is the video of her going after him. After the famous “just Rosie O’Donnell” retort, you can hear her blurt in OVER the audience laughter, “No it’s not!!” You can see the broadcaster equivalent of the RBF in her delivery of the question (inquisition). Of course, it’s fair game. He will have to deal with these sorts of things for sure, especially from a female Dem candidate. I guess Fox truly doesn’t believe he is electable. Link.

Alt-right twitter is already going after her.

My thought is he should have shined on this debate. It would have turned into a ratings flop just like the one a few days ago. There was almost no coverage or mention of it other than “stiff shirts were boring.” It was C-SPAN debate so that has something to do with it. But the only reason there was so much interest in this debate is only because the Donald was there. I read the Twitter feed and most of the tweets were not from Republicans. They were from liberals either laughing at the quality of the candidates or bemoaning how no one mentioned the minimum wage or shootings by cops or income inequality. So there was a widespread bi-partisan interest.

He should have said “No thanks. Too boring. Real Americans don’t want to see a circus where journalist hacks backed by big money drive an agenda.”

I watched Cleopatra tonight (actually some of it. I have watching it for a few days now. It’s over 4 hours long). Cleopatra sent away 5 messengers from Anthony requesting she come to Greece for talks about forming an alliance. She insisted he come in person. She had the power and eventually got her wish. Anthony needed her more than she needed him.

The same went for Fox News. They needed him to show up more than he needed to show up to a debate in early August 2015. The last election cycle was full of front runners fading after debates.

All the republican establishment feels Trump goes away once the debates start. Hard to say if that was the result tonight. Drudge has a user voting poll that has Trump with 41.36% Cruz with 15.0 Rubio with 9.3%. Earlier when I checked Trump was down in the high 30s. Most of comments hereon Sailer do not say “Man, Trump killed it!!” Most comments about Trump complain about Fox going after him. And on Twitter also.

He should have forced Fox to come to him. He should have waited and attacked journalist as lacking in credibility and acting only in the interest of big money and interests that didn’t want to talk about immigration. The reality of “the debate” was it was a series of attack interviews being held in parallel. He should have stuck to taking on a single interviewer one on one and using the power of his alpha presence to dominate the interviewer.

Now if he backs out of subsequent debates he looks butthurt and cowardly.

But he didn’t really back down from Megyn and I guess that was what he was there for. How much that clip will get passed around will effect how the Trumpkin stay in his corner.

* It’s pathetic for the party leaders to simultaneously trash the leading, most popular candidate and then question him for his loyalty to them. Trump owes nothing to Reince Preibus and the others, and pledging today to support the eventual winner (who may be ¡Jeb! who comes out for amnesty after securing the nomination) is neither wise nor honest. Trump himself said he doesn’t know his plans–if say a Ted Cruz or Scott Walker secures the nomination and campaigns strongly on illegal immigration and trade (and acts diplomatically toward Trump), I’m sure Donald would bless the nomination and back the GOP candidate.

Spinning Trump’s personality traits against him only works if you disregard that he’s also confident, assertive, and patriotic. He gets things done. He knows Mexico is getting the better of us on immigration, China on trade, Japan on imports, etc. His ego is useful in fighting for American jobs and sovereignty issues. It’s hilarious you’d think Trump would waste millions of his own dollars, countless hours, and intense media critique so that he’d be the fall guy for the estranged wife of one of his golfing buddies. Way to read normal human behavior, bro. Yeah that sounds like a typical endeavor for a brash, cocky businessman who even you admit is “self-promoting.”

* Just saw online that the Huffington Post’s two debate posters thought Trump won the debate. I honestly don’t even think anyone would have watched this had Trump not been there in the first place. I can’t even remember the first GOP debate in 2012, or for the matter either party’s first debate in 2008. The MSM is focused on Trump and Kelly, which tells me they think he did fine in debate portion so they are blasting him for being “sexist’ towards Fox’s fake blonde female talking head. She can clearly single him out for attack, but him responding back is “sexist”. I guess Megyn Kelly is the Ellen Pao of debate moderators now.

* When reporters ask obviously loaded questions and hit below the belt, it gains sympathy for the candidate and works to the candidate’s advantage.


* Republicans typically support legal immigration, as it keeps wages lower. We need reform of our legal immigration policy, which requires congress to act. But big corporations are strong supporters of more legal immigration…need to change the requirements, no more green cards for siblings and parents of legal residents.

I married a girl from Chile , so have some experience in the process. She became a citizen in 2001 and immediately had her 60 year old mother and 24 year old brother apply for a green card. Her mother obtained a greencard in 2009 while her brother, a college graduate who speaks English is still waiting. So stupid to give a greencard to a 68 year old who speaks no English. At this point her brother would never move here, he has a booming business in Chile. And her mother has lost her greencard, she preferred living in Chile so lost the greencard by living outside the US for over 16 months. I don’t blame her. Chile has a great climate and no Blacks, no Puerto Ricans, no Mexicans but does have an issue with illegal immigrants from Peru. Most of the nannies in Chile are now from Peru.

Greencards should only be issued to those who speak fluent English. No more Greencards based on family relationships.

* The main thing I noticed in this WP screed is the subtle implication throughout that only the uneducated fail to appreciate the moral goodness and economic necessity of massive uncontrolled immigration, diversity and globalization.

I’ve noticed the same thing from The Independent and Der Spiegel as well. It’s the western media’s subtle way of demeaning the issue while maintaining plausible deniability.

* Data on Mexico:

“Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices test was administered to a representative sample of 920 white, Mestizo and Native Mexican Indian children aged 7–10 years in Mexico. The mean IQs in relation to a British mean of 100 obtained from the 1979 British standardization sample and adjusted for the estimated subsequent increase were: 98·0 for whites, 94·3 for Mestizos and 83·3 for Native Mexican Indians.”

And then let’s compare this to the racial composition of Mexico:

98.0: Mexican Whites
94.3:Mexican Mestizos
83.3: Mexican Amerinds

According to the CIA FACTBOOK, Mexico’s racial breakdown is:mestizo (Amerindian-Spanish) 60%, Amerindian or predominantly Amerindian 30%, white 9%, other 1%

Things are not looking good Mexico way…..

Now, let’s turn to real world achievements.Mexico and the Nobel prize. According to WIKIPEDIA, three people of Mexican origins have won a Nobel:

Alfonso García Robles: With Alva Myrdal, got the Peace Prize in 1982. For what it’s worth, he looks very White in his WIKIPEDIA photo.

Mario J. Molina: Along with Paul J. Crutzen and F. Sherwood Rowland, he got the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for studying the threat posed to the ozone layer by CFCs. Looks pretty White in his WIKIPEDIA photo.

Octavio Paz: 1990 Nobel in Lit. Based on WIKIPEDIA photo, he might have some Amerind ancestry (or he might not).

So, Three prizes. Total. As compared to 10 for Scotland, 15 for Australia, 23 for Canada, 74 for England , 306 for the USA, …..

Now, all of these figures are from WIKIPEDIA, so I’m sure that one could argue about the margins…but the overall portrait of Mexican achievement is pretty dire.

How about Fields Medalists?:

United States 12

France 10

Soviet Union (3) / Russia (6) 9

United Kingdom 7

Japan 3
Belgium 2

West Germany (1) / Germany (0) 1

Australia 1

British Hong Kong 1

Finland 1

Israel 1

Italy 1

Norway 1

New Zealand 1

Sweden 1

Vietnam 1

Iran 1

Brazil 1

(None Stateless) 1

I’ve left out Manjul Bhargava. His background is complicated.

So, Mexico has zero.Hell, all of Latin America has exactly one, which ties them with New Zealand.

Race creates the foundation upon which culture is built.Mexico’s racial mix produces mediocrity. In contrast, the America’s overwhelming European racial stock allowed her to thrive. Mass immigration by Hispanic Amerinds and Mestizos is changing that. Soon, the USA will be as mediocre as Mexico.

* What’s most amazing is that the issue of illegal immigration, an issue that has captivated me for over a decade now, is something “mainstream” America is finally catching onto and worrying about.

They tried to pass amnesty with a GOP president, House, and Senate. They lost.

They tried to pass amnesty a year later with a GOP president and a Democratic House and Senate. They lost.

Then they tried to pass amnesty with a Socialist president and Senate and a GOP House. And they lost. Again.

Now suddenly politicians who were once pro-amnesty (Donald Trump) are finding it extremely advantageous to get on the anti-illegal immigration bandwagon. That’s a good sign.

But why? Back during the Bush bubble no one seemed to care much. Then the economy tanked, and I thought that people would start to care because jobs were being lost. Still voters didn’t seem to care all that much. But the supposed Obama recovery is now over five years old, and workers still aren’t seeing much benefit. Now they’re starting to get it. Now they’re starting to catch on. The government is openly rewarding 15 million people for breaking our immigration laws, meanwhile a couple in Oregon is losing their bakery because they didn’t want to bake a cake for a lesbian wedding, and a cab driver in New York is being fined $25,000 for not picking up a black family.

I don’t like Donald Trump. He’s a fraud. Moreover, his statement that illegals are all crooks and rapists ain’t the message any legitimate politician wants to be campaigning on. But by making that statement he has moved the ball far to the right on the issue and opened up a wind range of matters that, by comparison, seem reasonable and thoughtful. Suddenly Ann Coulter and her new book aren’t extremist, but thoughtful. And for that we have to thank Donald Trump.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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