Category Archives: Politics

Boston Globe: Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change.

We’re talking about the Deep State. Democracy, to a large extent, is a sham. Link: The people we elect aren’t the ones calling the shots, says Tufts University’s Michael Glennon THE VOTERS WHO put Barack Obama in office expected some … Continue reading

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Who will you blame once Obama’s gone?

By John Blake, CNN Updated 9:33 AM ET, Fri November 27, 2015 … Consider the question of whether racial strife is now the norm. “I don’t see that stopping when Obama is no longer president,” says Steve Sailer, who writes … Continue reading

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Study: Democrats Want To Be Led By Effeminate Milksops

From the Chateau: Sometimes I don’t need to wield the shiv. The shiv wields itself. “A deep tone of voice appeals to conservative voters. More generally, conservative voters seem to have a preference for politicians who look physically strong and … Continue reading

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Marco Rubio

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Charles Murray On The 2016 Elections

Kevin Price writes Sept. 1, 2015: Dr. Charles Murray of the American Enterprise Institute is one of the most popular of public intellectuals among libertarians today. Furthermore, he is one of the more popular guests I have on my program. … Continue reading

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