Category Archives: R. Rabbs

Torah Talk With Rabbi Rabbs

This week we have two Torah portions — V’Zot HaBerachah (Deuteronomy 33:1–34:12) and Bereishit (Genesis 1:1–6:8). We talk about the 2010 movie Casino Jack about the Orthodox Jew and scandalous lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

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I Review The Rabbi Rabbs Book Of Woe

Watch the whole thing: Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke and Rabbs, I’m astonished. Rabbi Rabbs, I had no idea that you were struggling with so many psychological and spiritual challenges every single day. Previously, when I would hear you say … Continue reading

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The Jewish Holiday Of Succoth (Tabernacles)

Succoth starts Wednesday night. It is a particularly joyous Jewish holiday where we are commanded by God to dwell in booths. R. Rabbs writes: “Sukkos, which has timely significance because we celebrate it next month, is another Yom Tov that … Continue reading

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Rabbs: The Power And The Glory

From last Monday night’s Torah talk: Luke: “How was your Rosh Hashanah?” Rabbs: “God awful. Seventy three straight hours of going out of my mind. I absolutely hated it. Brutal.” Luke: “What do you have against going to shul?” Rabbs: … Continue reading

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Torah Talk Redux

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, it seems I have been subject to an examination. Rabbi Rabbs, you are an honest man, and your problem is that you live in a world where other men are not. Rabbi Rabbs, you said … Continue reading

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