Category Archives: Health

Overnight Sleep Study

I’m going in for an overnight sleep study Jan. 13. I’m excited. I’ve had trouble sleeping since 1988. Here’s what to expect on an overnight sleep study: A sleep study, or polysomnogram, is a recording that includes measurements used to … Continue reading

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My Medical Insurance Just Had Its Biggest Jump Ever

I turn 45 on May 28, 2011. In 2010, I paid Kaiser Permanente $330 a month for coverage. In 2011, my coverage will cost me $381. Why the big jump? Obamacare’s new rules, including the mandatory coverage of dependents through … Continue reading

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One man’s vegetarian journey from Seventh-Day Adventism to Orthodox Judaism

I am going to speak to a group of Jewish vegetarians in October. Vegetarianism is the last topic I thought I’d ever speak on. I’ve been a vegetarian all my life but never thought about it much. Here are the … Continue reading

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Life, Death and Nursing Homes

God forbid you have to send an aging parent to a nursing home. But if you must, then it should be one that is clean, and one that has friendly staff and really takes care of its residents. Talking to … Continue reading

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I Think I’ve Found The Solution To My Sleep Problems

Ever since I got on the internet full time in 1997, I’ve had trouble sleeping. But I noticed that when my sister stayed with me a couple of weeks ago, I slept well because I wasn’t online just before going … Continue reading

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