Category Archives: Modern Orthodox

Orthodox – Non-Orthodox Relations In Los Angeles

Conservative Rabbi David Wolpe has said that L.A. has the worst Orthodox-Conservative relations in the country. Yet LimmudLA has at least two Orthodox rabbis speaking (Elazar Muskin and Yosef Kanefsky) and a string of Orthodox laity presenting. The New York … Continue reading

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An Agenda For Modern Orthodoxy

Rabbi Gil Student writes: R. Barry Gelman, author of the recent book Irresistible Judaism, presents an agenda for Modern Orthodoxy in the current issue of The Jewish Week (link). What follows is my summary of his points (in bold) along … Continue reading

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Can A Modern Orthodox Shul Import A Religious Experience?

Feeling close to God was relatively easy in Christianity. A good sermon, a good song, a good movie, and you started feeling very spiritual. I remember going to a Billy Graham crusade in Sacramento around 1984. Only the hardest of … Continue reading

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Opening Up Orthodox Judaism

Steve Lipman writes for The Jewish Week: In a small classroom across Broadway from Columbia University, Moshe is having a meltdown one recent afternoon. Moshe, in his late 20s, is reluctantly unburdening with his rabbi about his drinking problem. Depressed, … Continue reading

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Rabbi Saul Berman Comes To Town

I’ve heard mixed reviews about his Sabbath talks. I’m told: Like many speakers he had more time to speak than material. He was a bit ideological Friday night on his point that chumras are a socio-cultural/historical phenomenon of post-Holocaust Judaism. … Continue reading

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