Category Archives: Modern Orthodox

The Modern Orthodox Intellectual

I find it really tiresome in Modern Orthodox life how its rabbis go about picking on Artscroll (a hugely succesful chareidi press) for the tiniest of mistakes. Another symptom of this is when Modern Orthodox rabbis go off on Agriprocessors. … Continue reading

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Agriprocessors Is The New Artscroll

Just as the Modern Orthodox love bashing Artscroll (the hugely successful Jewish publishing company run by the super-Orthodox), they now love bashing Agriprocessors (the hugely successful meat packaging plant run by the super-Orthodox). One of the criticisms of Agriprocessors is … Continue reading

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‘Can Anyone Grow Up To Be (Shul) President?’

I get off my sickbed Shabbos afternoon and go to this lecture. Last year, a Young Israel shul hired a graduate of the most left-wing Orthodox yeshiva (Chovevei Torah) — as its assistant rabbi. A few months later in response, … Continue reading

Posted in Modern Orthodox, YCT, YICC, Young Israel | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on ‘Can Anyone Grow Up To Be (Shul) President?’

Modern Orthodox Authenticity Guilt

Pico/Robertson is home to three big Modern Orthodox shuls — Young Israel of Century City (YICC), Beth Jacob (BJ) and Bnai David Judea (BDJ). An Orthodox friend calls: "Who is the number one shul in Los Angeles for technical adherence … Continue reading

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Chabad Vs. Modern Orthodox

I spent my Shabbat evenly divided between Chabad and the Modern Orthodox. Friday night dinner was with Chabad. It was a big raucous informal table. As Dennis Prager says, it seems like all Chabad shlichim (emissaries) are funny and all … Continue reading

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