Category Archives: Modern Orthodox

Female Orthodox Rabbi – The Latest Crisis In Modern Orthodoxy

Shmuel Hain, a Modern Orthodox rabbi, writes on JTA: NEW YORK (JTA) — Another month, another round of recriminations in the Modern Orthodox community. Two months ago it was a breakaway rabbinic organization established, in part, to promote decentralized conversion … Continue reading

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The Ordination Of Women As Orthodox Rabbis

I’m told: There are many aspects to this and I do not believe that any one or two people can change things on their own. Orthodox Judaism is a religion of consensus. Sometimes ideas are discussed for decades before they … Continue reading

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Very Religious

Whenever Jews tell me they were raised “very religious”, I know that they were not raised Orthodox. They were raised in some watered-down form of Judaism whose minimal demands struck them as “very religious.” Whenever Jews tell me they are … Continue reading

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How The Haredim Took Control In Israel

The Haredim have been yelling about the illegitimacy of Modern Orthodox conversions for many years. Only now do they have the political power to delegitimize such conversions. When the Mizrachi aka religious Zionists aka the Modern Orthodox in Israel opposed … Continue reading

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Eternal Judaism

Joe emails: I seriously find major fault with Bnai David. The use of time and money to feed the local homeless population, which are mostly psychotics (any sane homeless person lives by the beach in Venice Santa Monica) is a … Continue reading

Posted in Bnai David-Judea, Germany, Haredi, Homeless, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, Pico/Robertson | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Eternal Judaism