Category Archives: Dating

Rod Rosenstein & The FBI Coup Attempt

00:00 FBI coup on Trump? 25:00 Brexit 37:00 Stephen Miller & immigration 47:00 I started the fire 51:00 KMG’s happy memory about Iggy Pop, David Bowie and Blondie visiting Vancouver in the summer of 1977 1:04:00 BOOK CLUB: Window on … Continue reading

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Robert Reich: ‘If Trump pardons Manafort and/or Cohen, we rise up.’

MP3 Kevin Michael Grace responds: “Don’t expect white male construction workers to rise up with you. Or whites or males or construction workers.” * Patrick Chovanec: “The abduction and murder of a young woman is a crime, hopefully to be … Continue reading

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How To Get A Girlfriend

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‘Roy Moore Did Nothing Wrong’

Heartiste posts: I’m glad Trump came out in support of Roy Moore. The man’s travails — stoked to an incomprehensibly vitriolic froth by Nasty Womanhood, Inc and the Jewish Interest Media — are emblematic of the man-hating culture that suffuses … Continue reading

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God Game

From the Chateau: Bonus God Game routine: After dressing in your Sunday best, kneel at the foot of your bed while she’s still in it half-asleep, wondering if you’re for real, and pray, “Dear Lord, wash the taint of carnal … Continue reading

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