Category Archives: Dating

Flipping The Script

From the Chateau: Flipping the script works. It works because women can’t resist a man who won’t tidily play by the established, and oh so boring, rules. A coy man — a man who is as circumspect and judgmental and … Continue reading

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High Sexual Market Value Chicks Dig Mass Murderers

From the Chateau: Any beta males reading this post ought to grab a Kleenex, because there is no God and your romantic ideals are laughable. James Holmes, the creepy-looking mass murderer who killed 12 and injured 70 in an Aurora, … Continue reading

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Help Women Imagine You’re The Killer They Want You To Be

From the Chateau: Chicks dig jerks. Chicks deeply dig stone cold killer jerks. Chicks secretly want you to be the killer of their sexual fantasies. Reader Dirty Old Man provides context, I got a shit test from a 20 something … Continue reading

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What Kind Of Women Cheat?

Study: Women who wear the pants in the relationship are more likely to cheat: The imbalance of power in the primary relationship has been associated with infidelity. Edwards and Booth (1976) found that wives who reported that they “get their … Continue reading

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When A GF Talks About Her Exes

From Chateau Heartiste: This is bad news. This woman is disrespecting him, no two ways about it. Girlfriends who love you will rarely, if ever, talk about exes or, worse, text exes. Nor will they use exes as clubs to … Continue reading

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