Category Archives: Dating

What Men Want

I have soft skin In my bubble bath I bedabble myself I’m cracking up about it My goldfish fish In my bubble bath I’m wrapping him up I tell him: I don’t have a problem I’m just being lazy I’m … Continue reading

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What Makes For A Quality Girl?

From the Chateau: Maybe in flyover country the number of quality girls hits 25%. In Poland it is 80%. The times have changed and quality girls are no longer the norm. So what makes a quality girl? Well, I know … Continue reading

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An Eye Contact Crib Sheet

From Heartiste: The rules of eye contact are simple. After catching her eye: If she looks down: She’s instantly attracted but shy. Approach this girl, but go easy on the cocky jerkboy game. She’s a natural introvert, and a romantic … Continue reading

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The Subtle Heartbreak Of Female Aging

Chateau: One of the most famous photographs in history is the “Afghan Mona Lisa”, a pic taken by a National Geographic photographer in the 1980s of a 12 or 13 year old Afghan girl on the cusp of womanhood. In … Continue reading

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Every Relationship Has A Submissive Partner

Rollo comments: In any relationship, by order of degrees, there will always be a dominant and a submissive partner. For what ever reason (probably a belief in egalitarian gender equality) he chose the submissive partner role and abdicated to the … Continue reading

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