Category Archives: Personal

Time Is Cruel

My new passport photo: My 2005 passport photo:

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Just once this year, I want to see a white guy in Los Angeles toting a leaf blower

Chaim Amalek: “Seriously, walk up to a Mexican, ask to borrow his leaf blower, and have him take a picture of you holding it. Then circulate the photo to web sites where people ponder ‘What ever happened to Luke Ford?’ … Continue reading

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Open Borders

* Twenty years ago, I met a Christian girl at a party. She had to say a prayer to Jesus before she would get cozy. Something like: “Dear Jesus, thank you for giving me this man and for our kisses, … Continue reading

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Does this bloke look like anyone you know?

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How Do You Deflect The Bull Dyke?

* When I was a kid I thought dykes were hot. Now that I have seem many of them, they could not be further from hot. I remember one evening trying to share my experience, strength and hope with a … Continue reading

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