Category Archives: Personal

The Lively Tweets Of John Podhoretz

Rob Eshman says I was born to blog. John Podhoretz, by contrast, was born to tweet. There’s no editor of a major publication who comes close to the explosiveness of Podhoretz, the editor of Commentary magazine. His Twitter feed makes … Continue reading

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Childhood Attachment Failures – Impact On Adult Relationships

Therapist: “My own experiences with people who have very accomplished parents… Sometimes when someone does a lot and they are very interesting and interested in the world, yet they have a wife and children, they may not be there for … Continue reading

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Moving On Up

I love this journaling exercise where I write out things I admire about my friends (and scheme about how I can move up in social status for the sake of the Lord). I’m looking at my friends on FB and … Continue reading

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Jews 4 Gentiles

My rebbe says: Had you listened to me over the years you would now be on your second or third hot wife. You failed to even try establishing the program (the Luke Ford Diversity Hour) that might have made you … Continue reading

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Euphoric Recall Has Been A Major Party Of My Life

I never even heard of this term until last week. Now I seizing on it. It’s going to usher in a new level of sobriety for me. When an addict is in euphoric recall, you’re probably not emotionally sober. Pretty … Continue reading

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