Category Archives: Personal

If You Can’t Connect With People, You’ll Have To Connect To Something Else Such As A Process Or Substance

I tweeted yesterday: “The higher my quality of life, the more secure my attachment, the less hold my addictions have on me.” Harel responded: “Luke, this really hit home with me. Can you expand on this?” We are wired to … Continue reading

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How Do You Use Your Judaism?

There’s probably nobody I admire more than my friend (he’s never had a parking ticket!) and the other day he was discussing a bargaining position. I interrupted: “I love how you use your Judaism.” I’d said the same sort of … Continue reading

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Taking Offense

I’ve never been offended in my life so I’m always amused when I meet smart successful people who take offense at the noting of obvious truths. If I say, “Wow, blacks run really fast!”, people I’ve known will get angry … Continue reading

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Am I Willing To Align My Will With God’s Will?

This has always been the hardest part of religion and 12-Step work for me. I want to do my own thing but only when that keeps resulting in disaster for me do I reluctantly turn back to God and then … Continue reading

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Who’s More Likely To Take Responsibility? Men or Women?

For thousands of years, almost every female was some man’s property (the usual cycle was to go from being the property of her father to the property of her husband). As a man’s property, she did not have to take … Continue reading

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