Category Archives: Personal

My Rage, Resentment And Despair With Technology

Come July 3, I’ll have been blogging for 21 years, but I’ve never been ahead of the curve with technology. I only started using proper blogging software (WordPress) in 2006. I only started my Youtube channel in 2007. I only … Continue reading

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Euphoric Recall

Step One: I admitted that my life had become unmanageable. Step Two Step Three Step Four

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The Strain Of Streaming

I haven’t done much writing over the past four months as Youtube streaming has taken over my spare time. On Sunday, I streamed for almost 8 hours total, and afterward I was too keyed up to sleep. I find doing … Continue reading

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I’m Not Afraid To Wave My Dildos Of Truth At The Deep State

@lukeford dildo technique video series. — mick lascelles (@LascellesMik) April 17, 2018 According to Wikipedia: Kurdaitcha (or kurdaitcha man) is a ritual “executioner” in Australian Aboriginal culture (specifically the term comes from the Arrernte people) who points the dildo … Continue reading

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My Car Billows Smoke On Pico Bl And Over-Heats While I Stream With Serenity

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. It turned out to be a blown radiator hose. Psychiatrist Stephen Marmer was … Continue reading

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