Category Archives: Japan

Japanese Losing Free Speech Right To Insult Korean Immigrants

REPORT: OSAKA–The Osaka High Court on July 8 upheld a lower court ruling that banned public rallies blaring racist insults and awarded compensation to a Korean school targeted by the taunts. The court rejected the appeal filed by Zainichi Tokken … Continue reading

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Commonsense From Japan

This racial segregation happens naturally. Almost everyone prefers to work, socialize, worship and live with their own kind. I disagree with the author about immigration. Immigrants will bring more disharmony to Japan than they are worth, particularly the ones with … Continue reading

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The War On Japan

This Australian news report stresses that Japan must absorb lots of non-Japanese. Here is the description from 2005: “Japan’s population is shrinking faster than any other developed nation’s. Hostility towards immigrants is preventing it welcoming in the foreign workers who … Continue reading

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Does Asian Success Spring From Asian Values?

A documentary on the rise of Japan and South Korea concludes: “Asians themselves began to boast of Asian values. They proclaimed that their growing success was due to discipline and to hard work, their schools and strong authoritarian control.” Jews … Continue reading

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Why Are Japanese Kids So Polite?

A friend visiting Japan messages me: I find it very interesting that a lot of bogan (dumb) Australian (and dumb American parents too) will always excuse their children’s poor behaviour in public saying things like “boys will be boys,” “you … Continue reading

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