Category Archives: Hollywood

Singer/Actor Rick Moses Talks About His Conversion To Orthodox Judaism

Three weeks ago while having lunch with Evan Sayet at Milk n’ Honey, I got into a conversation with singer/actor Rick Moses (Young Dan’l Boone, General Hospital, Avalanche) who was sitting next to us. On Thursday, Feb. 21, I interview … Continue reading

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Ron Rifkin’s Jewish Journeys

LimmudLA weekend in Costa Mesa: Video of Ron Rifkin On Sunday morning, actor Ron Rifkin, 69, talks about his Jewish journeys. Raised Orthodox, sent to yeshivot, he’s never been to Israel. "I don’t travel well." He left Orthodox Judaism at … Continue reading

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What Are You Doing To Celebrate Black History Month?

Khunrum emails: "Booger Black History month….I’m fuming that Spielberg has dropped out of the Olympics because of the "suffering in Darfur" without mentioning the suffering in Burma where military thugs have been repressing Democracy for years. The missus, (Ms. SOpee) … Continue reading

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Aussie Actor Heath Ledger Reminded Americans How To Be Strong

Brendan O’Neill writes for Jewcy: The tragic death of Heath Ledger — just determined to be an overdose — has robbed Hollywood of one of its Australian stand-ins for American machismo. Never mind the trade deficit, or even Barack Obama’s … Continue reading

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Heath Ledger “drug video” airs in Oz

From TabloidBaby: Here in America, Entertainment Tonight had a sudden, unexpected and out-of-character concern for the family of dead actor Heath Ledger (after all, ET cheerfully greased the skids toward Anna Nicole Smith’s demise), and had a grand time in … Continue reading

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