Category Archives: Hollywood

The Movie ‘Greenberg’ Hit Too Close To Home

From IMDB: The film follows Roger Greenberg (Ben Stiller), a 40-year-old man who has recently suffered a nervous breakdown and is now struggling to just “do nothing.” He returns to L.A., where he had grown up and had a semi-successful … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager On Lindsay Lohan

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “The life of Lindsay Lohan does not rivet me. The collective works of Lindsay Lohan would not rivet my attention. The only reason I mention this is because of her mother. Lindsay … Continue reading

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Andrea Thompson Commentaries

Steam Chip emails: I just emerged from my cave a few weeks ago and discovered who Andrea Thompson is. Consider anything I write from here on in this particular context — it is NEW news to me. Next week I’ll … Continue reading

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A.O. Scott

How pretentious is that? A. O. Scott. What kind of person calls himself by his initials? Only posers do this. I guess plain old “Anthony Scott” is just not dramatic enough for A. O. Scott. You can see it in … Continue reading

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The Informant

I’ve tried to hold off for the past 18 hours writing about this movie. I just saw it yesterday. The bipolar protagonist? That’s me. I don’t want to write about this dark side of mine because it could be really … Continue reading

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