Category Archives: Hollywood

LilyHammer Season 3 Now On Netflix

You can’t watch this show and think that Norway is better off for the presence of Muslims and other foreigners. Why would any land want to import people who have allegiances above their new homeland? Baltimore Sun review: And I’ll … Continue reading

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How To Find A Wife

How Robert Altman met his third wife in 1958 (he already had three kids, she had one kid and one former marriage): She was playing a nurse on Whirlybirds. He didn’t say hello. He was hung over. He just asked … Continue reading

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Just when we had the goyim convinced that there was nothing about Jewish Hollywood or Homos for them to worry about….this…

I hope this does not awaken them from their deep slumber. The goyim seem quiet as of late. Are they planning something against us? Relax. It just means that Hollywood, Television and televised sports are doing what we expect of … Continue reading

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Thank You Keira Knightly For Your Brave Stand Against Photoshopping

Thank you for standing proud against sexism and the male gaze and all that. I salute you. If only more women would follow your example, what an amazing world this would be. I regard photoshopping of women as the great … Continue reading

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Gratitude Vs Contempt For America

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “I want there to be a very serious border fence. I want to stem the massive immigration into this country of people coming illegally and we don’t know who they are.” “I … Continue reading

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