Category Archives: Iran

NYT Columnist Roger Cohen Speaks At Sinai Temple

JTA reports: New York Times columnist Roger Cohen sparred with members of Los Angeles’ Iranian Jewish community about his recent columns on Iranian Jews. JTA has the story, and the L.A. Jewish Journal has the video from the synagogue forum … Continue reading

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Understanding Persians

Joe emails: Luke, If you want to understand Persians and their insatiable appetite for gaudy displays of wealth and absolute lack of good taste, read this article — about a non-Jewish Iranian, although the mentality is the same.

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When Is Iranian Leader Mahmoud Ahmadinijad Gonna Update His Blog?

It’s been almost two years since he last blogged. He’s not going to get a lot of traffic if he doesn’t get with the program. I’m also surprised he hasn’t signed up with Google Adsense to monetize his work. I … Continue reading

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Iranian Jews Gathering At Movie Theatre For Shabbat Services?

Karmel Melamed writes: If you passed by the small Fine Arts Theatre located on Wilshire Boulevard before La Cienega Boulevard on Saturday mornings, you might find it stranger to see random local Iranian Jews entering it without paying any admission. … Continue reading

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Even a Torah Weirdo Like Luke Ford can Find Love

Chaim Amalek emails: "So all you gotta do Luke, is get some middle class money." Fischel Teitelbaum posts: "Let’s cut to the chase. What chance have I, an Anglo-looking American Jew with only middle class money to his name, of … Continue reading

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