Category Archives: Iran

Playing Chess with Nukes

Joe* emails: It seems obvious to me that Israel should strike Iran, and immediately. The high upside is destroying for a generation the hopes of Islam to hold the Levant hostage with a nuclear weapon capability and possibly destabilizing the … Continue reading

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Expect Israel To Attack Iran In 2012

I expected the United States to start bombing Iran in the closing months of the Bush administration but undercover operations had slowed Iran’s nuclear development sufficiently so that this was not necessary. But times have changed. They’ve become more urgent. … Continue reading

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Domestic Violence In Beverly Hills

Around 3 p.m., I was walking down Corning near Olympic in 90035 and noticed a police helicopter circling over head and three police cars with their lights flashing. They were tracking a domestic violence call. Some blonde woman had gone … Continue reading

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Stealing Parking In Pico-Robertson, CA 90035

Theft of a business’s parking spaces for customers is theft. You are taking money from that business. This type of theft is rampant in Pico-Robertson among a certain group. Luke Ford, Rabbi Rabbs discuss this carelessness with other people’s property.

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The Longest War By Peter L. Bergen

I had high expectations for this new book. It has received glowing reviews. Many people say that Peter L. Bergen is the premiere expert on Al Qaeda and terrorism. So I pick the book up Friday and start reading and … Continue reading

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